About Screening & Evaluation Platform (Screenpak)
Screening & Evaluation Platform (Screenpak) is a private limited company registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. It is a self-sustained organization that facilitates the public and private sector in the country in the provision of quality of customized screening tests for recruitment, admission tests, and scholarships.
Client Requirements
- Website that leverages design to create a powerful brand experience.
- Solution-focused IT support.
- Data-Driven SEO.
- Email campaigns that spark reader engagement through creativity.
- Eye-catching animations to elevate their Google Ads campaigns.
- High-impact animated content for social media engagement.
The Outcome
My work exceeded client expectations and achieved their desired outcomes.
Project Details:
Screening & Evaluation Platform (Screenpak)
- Website
- On-Page SEO
- Newsletters
- Motion Graphics
- IT Support
- Recruitment Tests
- Admission Tests
- Scholarships
- Consultancy
- Detailed Reports